Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer heat brings peppers to life!

It is 31C in Edmonton today.  
Yesterday this heat trigged 2 of the cayenne peppers to flip from green to red.  Check it out:

And below the tomatoes are looking bushy!

Close up of the 'patio tomoato' from Arches Greenhouse; its bearing fruit all over!

Here is the lone surviving tomatillo in bloom:

Friday, June 8, 2012

Early June Update

Time for another update! It's early june and all the plants have been hardened off and moved outside.  I could be a bit paranoid but I feel the tomatoes are rather skinny, and slow growing this year.  I did re-use the soil so there could be some nutrient loss, but I mixed in compost and fertilizers to try and compensate for that.  Last year the soils were new, but unfortified (i.e. not compost) so I'm a bit skeptical that this is the sole cause.  It is early going still so there could be a warm week that gets them growing thicker and more robust.

Here are the seedlings inside for the night after being outside to harden off.

 A closer look at the pepper seedlings after transplanting into 4' pots.

 Hollyhock from Archs Greenhouses, first bloom of the year on June 6
 A view of the tomatoes and peppers - note the skinny tomatoes. 

A little burst of colour.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

True Leaves Begin to Emerge

Just a quick update to say that I had to replant several seeds this weekend. Overall everything germinated, but for example the 4 tomatillos that germinated then rotted before they could get going. I had about one-third of my seedlings fail to germinate, or emerge and then die off.  I attribute this to the poor weather last weekend, it snowed and was cold an overcast so the seedlings did not get much heat or sun.  Also several of the peat pots experienced forms of mould.  This is because I did not use sterile potting soil or seed starting mix.  This is an error I won't repeat.  
So the photo above shows the remaining two-thirds of the seedlings that are off to a good start and have begun to grow their first sets of true leaves.  In the meantime I purchased a bunch of sterile peat pucks that I have used to sow a follow up batch of plants, a little bit of everything, to make sure I have a full crop this year.  Today I watered these little guys with a Miracle-Gro Quick Start starting solution plant food 4-12-4.  Hopefully they enjoy the good weather expected over the next few days.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The seeds grow despite the snow!

April 14, 2012: The seeds are a growin and the weather it is a snowin! Don't tell the seeds that on just the other side of the patio door there's a couple of centimetres of snow out there. This is just spring in Edmonton.

About April 12th the first of the tomato seeds sprouted, so right on time. The action continues today and probably through the weekend. The fist to sprout look

Here's a closer look at the hot wax peppers, a lonely pair of first-born in the lower right and upper left pots!

The tomatilos were the fist to sprout, they burst forth on Wednesday April 11. That is just under a week since they were sown. They sure are leggy though. I will need to go easy on them and help them along to ensure they strengthen up. I'll just try to keep them propped up with a small skewer or two.

I am also impressed that as of today the first few hot wax peppers are just emerging. By Monday I'll likely have them all pushing through the surface. They tend to take a while longer to break their seed pods off of their fist set of leaves.
All in all not bad considering today's snow fall. These seeds just love living on the radiator, keeps them nice an cozy no matter what's going on outside.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Just a quick update to note that today I sowed 3 more (the last of these seeds) Sun Sugar Hybrids from William Dam Seeds. Also sown today was 7 Sub-Arctic Maxi seeds from Apache seeds. And the final seeds sown this afternoon were 4 organic Sweet Genovese Basil from Seeds of Change.
That's all for now.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Propagation Pictures

The propagation photos are here!

Below are the Hot Wax peppers all the green stakes and the ones without stakes. The 4 blue stakes at that end of the tray are the Toma Verde Tomatillos. Word from a friend is these become fairly large plants once they get going so I am only going to try 4 plants this year.
I used peat pots this year to see if they can help eliminate the need to complete an interim transplant - in previous years I have propagated seeds in 1x1 cells then transferred to 4 inch pots before transplanting again into my full size patio pots. I am hoping that this year I might find a way to take them straight to the patio pots by starting them in the larger peat pots.

These seeds were sown 1 to a pot yesterday, April 7, 2012.
Above: I keep the tray holding the pepper seeds on the living room radiator, cheaper than buying a heating mat and this has worked 3 years in a row. Usually I see plants emerge in about 14 days.

Below: This tomato tray contains the Sun Sugar Hybrid tomatoes (orange stakes) and the Lemon Boy Hybrid tomatoes.

Above: I am keeping the tomato tray in the full sun on a small table right by the patio door for the warmth of the west sun. Come back and check out the progress in about 14 days, and happy gardening.

Welcome to the 2012 Edition of Just Leafy!

Last year came and went without any Just Leafy blog posts, not entirely sure why, since I had a great crop of tomatoes and peppers and peas off the balcony. Last year I decided against renewing the community garden plot, finding that there were times I felt I could not make it down there often enough to care for it. I thought that I also was getting a really good crop off the balcony so it might be charitable of me to let someone with less successful private gardening space of their own to enjoy my old plot.

So this year I have decided to grow the following from seed:
Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers - Veseys Seeds (Sowed 12 seeds April 7)
Tomatillo Toma Verde - William Dam Seeds (Sowed 4 seeds April 7)
Lemon Boy Yellow Tomato - Veseys Seeds (Sowed 7 seeds April 7)
Sun Sugar Orange Tomato - William Dam Seeds (Sowed 9 seeds April 7)
Sub Arctic Maxi Tomato - Apache Seeds (not yet sown)

Other things I might grow:
Mesclun Mix