April 14, 2012: The seeds are a growin and the weather it is a snowin! Don't tell the seeds that on just the other side of the patio door there's a couple of centimetres of snow out there. This is just spring in Edmonton.

About April 12th the first of the tomato seeds sprouted, so right on time. The action continues today and probably through the weekend. The fist to sprout look

Here's a closer look at the hot wax peppers, a lonely pair of first-born in the lower right and upper left pots!

The tomatilos were the fist to sprout, they burst forth on Wednesday April 11. That is just under a week since they were sown. They sure are leggy though. I will need to go easy on them and help them along to ensure they strengthen up. I'll just try to keep them propped up with a small skewer or two.
I am also impressed that as of today the first few hot wax peppers are just emerging. By Monday I'll likely have them all pushing through the surface. They tend to take a while longer to break their seed pods off of their fist set of leaves.
All in all not bad considering today's snow fall. These seeds just love living on the radiator, keeps them nice an cozy no matter what's going on outside.

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