The propagation photos are here!
Below are the Hot Wax peppers all the green stakes and the ones without stakes. The 4 blue stakes at that end of the tray are the Toma Verde Tomatillos. Word from a friend is these become fairly large plants once they get going so I am only going to try 4 plants this year.

I used peat pots this year to see if they can help eliminate the need to complete an interim transplant - in previous years I have propagated seeds in 1x1 cells then transferred to 4 inch pots before transplanting again into my full size patio pots. I am hoping that this year I might find a way to take them straight to the patio pots by starting them in the larger peat pots.
These seeds were sown 1 to a pot yesterday, April 7, 2012.

Above: I keep the tray holding the pepper seeds on the living room radiator, cheaper than buying a heating mat and this has worked 3 years in a row. Usually I see plants emerge in about 14 days.
Below: This tomato tray contains the Sun Sugar Hybrid tomatoes (orange stakes) and the Lemon Boy Hybrid tomatoes.

Above: I am keeping the tomato tray in the full sun on a small table right by the patio door for the warmth of the west sun. Come back and check out the progress in about 14 days, and happy gardening.
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