Saturday, May 4, 2013

The heat is here!

The heat is here!
This being Saturday I had time to head to Canadian Tire for a bag of municipal compost and some drain rocks. Once home I transplanted a few of the bigger saplings today.
Below is the Sub Arctic Maxi in its new pot.  

Below is a view of the the tray of remaining Sub Arctic Maxi tomatoes.  These four and a tomatillo, didn't seem quite big enough to transplant yet.  In the next few days they should be monsters worthy of planting.

Below are the 2 flats of seedlings, I put them out in the sun and breeze to begin to harden them off.  Over the next couple of weeks I expect they will transition into larger pots.

Here are the rest of today's transplants, shown below.  From back to front: 2 tomatillos sharing one large pot, another sub arctic maxi tomato plant in a somewhat smaller pot, a single tomatillo in its own pot, and at the front a tomatillo sharing a pot with a Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper.  This pepper seemed to be the only one large enough to bear a transplant yet...even then I might have been pushing it, but I was excited to get it into a pot with another plant.

That's all for today, but what a landmark day it is, when the seedlings make it into their big-boy pots!  Happy planting.