Some of the East Bunch tomatoes - these are the Golden Girls and if you look closely you can see a new pole bean just breaking the surface and the smaller leafs are a new crop of mesclun mix.

Some very healthy looking Romas in the East Bunch. Looking like a thick forest of sorts.

Here is a group shot of the East Bunch looking westward down the length of the patio. The Nicotiana in the East Bunch are the bigger of the two groups, looks like they love their home.

East Bunch Golden Girls - looking a little bit spindly compared to the Window Box Romas - but I think that is to be expected. Still coming along nicely.

Ah the mighty mesclun mix - now sitting in the shady end of the balcony. This wonderful mix of lettuce leaves has supplied the Garden Master and D-Star with at lease 3 sallads each (6 in total) so far. We hope to keep our wonderfully symbiotic relationship going throughout the summer.

OK so its time for another update on the patio planters! We've had a week and a half of spectacular weather. Today's high temperature according to my National Geographic atomic thermometer was 34.1 C!! Lets have a look at how the plants are doing. Above are the West Bunch Roma tomatoes. I am happy to announce that in one day alone the stems of the plants gained significant girth. I think it might be because I watered from the bottom this morning at 7:00 AM so the plant enjoyed a sustained supply of moisture. I think I'll keep it up.

The peppers are going slow but finally getting substantially larger than they've been in the last 2 weeks. I think a growth spurt is underway. I have noticed that something is eating nice uniform round hoes on the leaves in the last 2 days.

In this pulled-back shot you can see the entire West Bunch including some very happy Nicotiana (lower left), peppers and oregano (lower right) and further back are the toatoes and the mesclun mix lettuce. I moved the lettuce today to this location because its shadier and cooler. The lettuce has not been happy with the intense heat and sun.

Above are the West Bunch Golden Girls and a new Blue Lake Stringless Pole Bean. I only have one pole bean left from the original crop so a new round was planted last week. Only took 3 days to germinate!

Here is a close up of the West Bunch Roma that displays the strongest stems! Look at the trunk on her.