Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Our little patio faces south and has an excellent view of the lane and our neighbours' yards. The quality of the sun from this angle is great, we get sun from about 8AM till 8PM, making the patio a fantastic place for sun loving plants like tomatoes and peppers.

Here is the current state of the Hungarian wax peppers. The first pot below is in the East Bunch and the other is in the West Bunch. Both seem to be doing well so far.

Here is an update on the Golden Girls hanging out in the East Bunch. Looking good ladies!
The mesclun mix is doing great! I thought they might be vulnerable to sun burn, so I have kept them down below the railing to act as a screen, much like has been done for the strawberries. The mescun LOVES the patio, we've had several salads from this box already.

Hope you enjoyed seeing how our garden has been growing,
Garden Master

A Week of Progress...mostly

There have been some disappointments though, namely the strawberries, they look like they can't handle the sun and have become sun burned. Its not a watering problem because they've never really been allowed to dry out.

A week in and there is visible progress in the garden! The nicotiana in the East Bunch really took off this week!
I thought I would post a few bigger picture shots of the patio garden, below is the East Patio:
Below is the West Patio:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Planted Today!

Today I planted about 8-10 more of the Blue Lake Stringless pole beans in a variety of the pots to see if I can catch up and recover from the devastating loss of 10 of the 12 planted earlier in the year. I'll keep you posted on their progress and post photos of any hatching.

Close Ups!

The Just Leafy! garden is ready for its close up now that you have gotten to know the patio a bit.

Here is the East Bunch.
Front row, at left, you will find a Lavender provided by my Mom, also in this pot is one of the Hungarian Hot Wax peppers from Vesey's Seeds, grow from seed planted April 4, 2009. An entire pot of the hot wax peppers is to the immediate right of the lavender.

Second row, left pot, is a cluster of Window Box Roma tomatoes also from Vesey's Seeds, sown from seed on March 31, 2009. Right hand pot (black) is a bushy daisy from my Mom.

Third and Fourth row: Golden Girl tomato from Vesey's also sown from seed on March 31 and April 4, 2009.

Here is the West Bunch, the furthest pot back is full of Window Box Roma's.
Middle row at left is an oregeno from my Mom's garden. At right in the middle row is a quartet of Golden Girls. In the foreground at left are some Nicotianas and on the right more Hungarian hot wax peppers.

Another view of the West Bunch, just pulled back a bit further to show the hot wax peppers planted with the oregano.
Below is the East Bunch Variety Pot. A droopy Stringless Blue Lake pole bean, still hanging in there on the back left end of the pot - and the dead one at the back right end of the pot. Rounding out the rest of this motley crew is the lone tomato a Window Box Roma and a pair of hot wax peppers.
An East Bunch gaggle of Golden Girls! These ladies are part of the Outer East arrangement, they sit out on the balcony railing in a full sun setting.

First Photos

Here are the first pictures from out little slice of heaven.

The first picture below is our "mesclun mix" from Vesey's Seeds,
we planted this on April 4th 2009.

Here is our "east bunch" of pots. We call them the "east bunch" because they sit along the east side of the patio.

And here is the "west bunch", they are located at the west end of the balcony. West Bunch is home to our only other surviving pole bean, you can see its trashed leaves (yellowed) in the upper left hand pot. There is a third pole bean beside it that has since passed away, I deemed it dead today.

These are D-star's strawberries, $1.98 Special's from the local Rona. They hang out on the Outer West balcony railing looking at the traffic in the alley.

Here we have our Shady Corner, this pot is home to a Blue Lake Stringless Green Pole Bean, a bunch of chives, and some more Mesclun Mix. The pole bean is one of only 2 survivors from our initial batch of 12. Most died when being transplanted from 1x1 starter cells into 3x3 peat pots. It was quite a tragic feeling for the Master Gardener.


Welcome to Just Leafy! This is our little home on the web for our patio garden. Soon we'll be posting photos of our new patio garden from sunny Vancouver B.C.